The Loft We Love
Union Square, Manhattan, NY

The Wanderlust mural from Calico
and tile from clé in the foyer.

The dining area in the loft is anchored by a
painting by artist Charlotte Hallberg entitled
So Much Time Not Even Tired, oil on panel.

Completion: Always a work in progress
Photography: Matthew Williams — Styling: Mieke ten Have
Loft Renovation — Architecture and Interior Design

Our Manhattan loft is packed with personal history. Damian’s father purchased it in 1970 when it was just commercial space packed with manufacturers and artists, and he used it as a production studio for his explorations in inflatable architecture. When he married Damian’s mother, and children arrived, he slowly transformed parts of it into a home. When Damian was studying architecture in college, the loft changed again, as his parents renovated to make it a little more residential still. To help with that renovation, Damian applied his developing architecture skills, effectively making it his first project. When Covid arrived, his parents invited us to move into the loft, since they were rarely there. We did, and soon after we relocated our studio to our current location near Union Square, just a few blocks away.  It didn’t take us long to slide into a full-blown renovation—after all, that’s what we do. We replaced the windows (most of which didn’t open), installed air conditioning so the interior didn't bake in the summer, and repaired a bathroom that had leaked into our downstairs neighbor’s apartment. Before long, we were also overhauling the kitchen and putting in new floors. Now, it really feels like it’s ours.

A vintage George Nelson–designed desk resides
in a library fit for an architect, originally planned
by Damian’s father.

The library ceiling is wallpapered in
Studio DB's own Supernova wallpaper
collaboration with Calico.

An asymmetrical burnished-brass
island reflects the kitchen’s unusual
floor plan.

The primary bedroom, washed in Setting
Plaster from Farrow & Ball, features lighting
from J. M. Szymanski and Apparatus.

The dining area features a vintage table
acquired at auction from Carlo Scarpa
with Fin Chairs from Studio Giancarlo Valle.

Project Credits

General Contractor: Obra Construction
Millwork: Construct BK
Stone Supply: BAS Stone & Stone Source
Stone Fabrication: Wespol Inc
Windows: LePage from Then & Now Windows